The Kobe University Communications Division promotes public understanding of the University’s profile and activities.

We report on the University’s education and research activities, international collaborations, joint projects with industry and government, and contributions to society, as well the fiscal affairs and management of the University.

Our public relations policy has two primary aims: fulfilling our social responsibility to be transparent and accountable, and defining Kobe University’s identity as one of Japan’s top higher education institutions.

Media relations: Support and enquiries

The Communications Division publicizes news about Kobe University through various media channels, including the internet, PR materials, and press releases. We coordinate with members of the University and journalists to share information with the wider world. Please let us know about any Kobe University research activities, new discoveries, developments, events and publications.

Contact for international media enquiries:

Communications Division, Kobe University

E-mail: gnrl-intl-press'at'

Contact for domestic media enquiries:

Communications Division, Kobe University

E-mail: ppr-kouhoushitsu'at'
Tel: +81(0)78-803-5083

Please replace the 'at' with @ when you email us (this has been done to avoid spambots).


Kobe University’s official mascot character, Shindai Uribo

Shindai Uribo (or “Uribo” for short) became Kobe University’s official mascot character in September 2017. Its name comes from a shortened version of Kobe University (神大 pronounced “Shindai”) and “uribo”, the Japanese word for wild boar piglet.

Find out more about Uribo here.





Filming and photography permission

  1. Filming must not disrupt education and research within the University.
    Filming within University buildings and classrooms is only permitted under specific circumstances.
  2. The following cannot be used as public relations material for the University:
    • Material which deliberately slanders the University, or is created with the intention of ridiculing the University.
    • Material which is judged as potentially damaging to the reputation of the University.
    • Material which aims to use the University for private profit or commercial gains.
    • Material which includes slander of education and research activities carried out in this University.
    • Any material which is not appropriate for an educational institution.
  3. As a general principle, filming is free of charge. However, if the financial burden on the University is considered larger than average, the University may charge a fee (for example, in cases when utility expenses are large, or university employees are required to assist with the filming).