The Economic Transition in Myanmar after 1988

The Economic Transition in Myanmar after 1988

Market Economy versus State Control


  • 著者
  • 藤田幸一, 三重野文晴, 岡本郁子
  • 出版年月
  • 2009年03月
  • ISBN
  • 9789971694616 / 9784876984688







  • PART ONE: Macro Economy and Industrial Structure
    • Chapter 1 Characteristics of Capital Accumulation in Myanmar, 1988-2003
    • Chapter 2 Industrial policies and the Development of Myanmar's Industrial Sector in the Transition to a Market Economy
    • Chapter 3 Trade, Foreign Investment and Myanmer's Economic Developent in the Transition to an Open Economy
    • Chapter 4 The Financial Sector during the Transition to a Market Economy in Myanmar
  • PART TWO: The Economy of Agriculture and Labour
    • Chapter 5 Overview of Agricultural Policies and the Development in Myanmar
    • Chapter 6 Transformation of the Rice Marketing System after Market Liberalization in Myanmar
    • Chapter 7 Agricultural Labourers in Myanmar during the Economic Transition: Views from the Study of Selected Villages
    • Chapter 8 Urban Informal Sector Labourers in Yangon