"L'être situé", Effectiveness and Purposes of International Law

"L'être situé", Effectiveness and Purposes of International Law

Essays in Honour of Professor Ryuichi Ida


  • 著者
  • 濱本正太郎, 酒井啓亘, 柴田明穂
  • 出版年月
  • 2015年05月
  • ISBN
  • 9789004268883




国際協力研究科?教授 柴田明穂


  • part 1 - “L’ être situé” : Deconstruction of Universality
    • 1 L’?tat situé dans le droit international de l’investissement
    • 2 “ L’?tat situé” in the Context of the Accession of Developing Countries to the wto
    • 3 The Functional Approach in le droit international de développement: A Theoretical Appraisal
    • 4 Emerging Economies and International Economic Law: A Case Study on Thailand
    • 5 Universal Jurisdiction in a Context: From Dialectic to Dialogue
  • part 2 - Effectiveness: Formality of Law and Amorphous Reality
    • 6 Running Many ftas is Like Balancing between Many Bicycles: A Multidimensional Comparison of Institutional Provisions in Japan’s ftas
    • 7 Provisional Measures in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Reappearance of Community of Investment Interests?
    • 8 New Relationship between the United Nations and Regional Organizations in Peace Security: A Case of the African Union
  • part 3 - Law-Making: International Law Catching Up with the Globalizing Community
    • 9 International and Domestic Laws in Collaboration: An Effective Means of Environmental Liability Regime-Making
    • 10 New Perspectives on Soft Law: Towards More Effective Regime Governance
    • 11 The Defence of Necessity as Customary International Law: The Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (Spain v. Canada) Re-examined
    • 12 Catching Up with Society – What, How, and Why: The Regulation of the un Security Council’s Targeted Sanctions