Asian Law in Disasters

Asian Law in Disasters

Towards a Human-Centered Recovery


  • 著者
  • 金子由芳, 松岡勝実, 豊田利久
  • 出版年月
  • 2016年05月
  • ISBN
  • 9781138930636

阪神淡路大震災の経験を受け継ぐ神戸大学の文理連携の研究陣が、東日本大震災被災地における岩手大学他の研究陣との共同研究を踏まえ、インドネシア?中国?トルコ?タイ?フィリピン他の海外執筆陣を迎え、アジアの被災地の内側から災害復興のあり方を問い直す、国際研究協力の成果である。2015年に登場した「仙台減災フレームワーク」が強調した“Build Back Better”のスローガンが、果たして被災者?被災地の安全と生活再建に資する「人間中心」の方向で進むのか、あるいはインフラ開発の称揚に終わるのか、今後の法制度基盤のゆくえを展望する意欲的な研究書である。防災?災害復興に関心を寄せる多くの読者の手に届くことを願っている。

国際協力研究科?教授 金子 由芳


  • Part I: Typology of Asian Disaster Law: From the Developmental State Model to Forward
    • Lessons from the 2011 East Japan Earthquake: Issues of Participation and Early Recovery
    • Natural Disaster Relief in China: Experiences and Shortcomings in the 2008 Wenchuan Great Earthquake and Thereafter
    • The Shift From Healer State to Protector State in a 500-year Period: A Critical Evaluation of Painful Development Struggles in Legal and Administrative Understanding of Disaster Management Strategies in Turkey from 1509 to 2010
    • The Legal Framework of Community-Based Land Administration in Tsunami-Impacted Areas of Aceh
    • Roles of Laws Relating to Post-2004 Tsunami Management in Thailand
    • Building Back Better: Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery in the Philippines
  • Part II: Aid, Compensation, or Insurance?: In Sought for Effective Institutional Basis for Early Recovery
    • Legislation to Support to Disaster Victims in Japan
    • Compensation or Assistance ? Law and Policy for Post-disaster Housing Recovery in the U.S and Japan
    • Lessons from the Canterbury Earthquakes: Adequacy of a first loss insurance scheme for natural disasters
    • The Divided Fate of Victims after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident
    • The Role of the Legal Services after the 2011 East Japan Great Earthquake and Tsunami
  • Part III: Redefining the Recovery: Law for Human-Centered Recovery vs. Build Back Better
    • Lessons Learned from a Comparison of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
    • "Promptness" in Housing Reconstruction in the Post-2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery
    • The Complexities of Land Acquisition and Zoning after the Canterbury New Zealand Earthquake
    • A Comparative Approach to the Post-2001 Gujarat Earthquake Recovery in India
    • Post-Disaster Reconstruction in Taiwan
    • The Framework of International Cooperation for Disaster Management and Japan’s Contribution