Emerging Legal Orders in the Arctic

Emerging Legal Orders in the Arctic

The Role of Non-Arctic Actors


  • 著者
  • 柴田明穂, Leilei Zou, Nikolas Sellheim, Marzia Scopelliti
  • 出版年月
  • 2019年04月
  • ISBN
  • 9781138618510





  • 1. An Ocean in the Making: Non-Arctic Actors and the Emerging Arctic Legal Orders
  • Part I – Setting the Contexts
    • 2. The Current and Future Role of Non-Arctic States in Arctic Governance
    • 3. The Rise of Asia and Arctic Legal Order-making: Political-Economic Settings
    • 4. Japan’s Role in Formation and Strengthening of Arctic Legal Orders
    • 5. China’s Arctic Policy White Paper and Its Influence on the Future of Arctic Legal Developments
  • Part II – People(s) in the Arctic
    • 6. Our Homeland: Arctic Indigenous Peoples’ Perspective of Non-Arctic States
    • 7. Sustaining a Conservationist Agenda? NGO-Influence on Arctic Sealing, Whaling and Hydrocarbon Regimes
  • Part III – Arctic Marine Legal Order-making
    • 8. The Five-plus-five Process on Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Negotiations: Reflecting Interests of Arctic and Non-Arctic Actors
    • 9. Participation in the Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement
    • 10. The Role of Transnational Knowledge Networks and Epistemic Communities in Arctic Shipping Governance
    • 11. Russia’s Legislative Development Pertaining to the Northern Sea Route and Its Interaction with Russian-Sino Arctic Cooperation
  • Part IV – The Universality of Science and the Arctic Council
    • 12. The Arctic Science Cooperation Agreement: A Perspective from Non-Arctic Actors
    • 13. State Observers and Science Cooperation in the Arctic Council: Same Same But Different?
    • 14. China in the Arctic Council: Existing Problems and Prospective Solutions