Sounding Together

Sounding Together

Collaborative Perspectives on U.S. Music in the 21st Century


  • 著者
  • Charles Hiroshi Garrett, Carol J. Oja 著
  • 出版年月
  • 2021年08月
  • ISBN
  • 9780472054336 / 9780472901302


第2章の US Concert Music and Cultural Reorientation during the Occupation of Japan -A Bicultural Perspectiveは、ハーバード大学のアメリカ音楽史研究者Carol J. Ojaと神戸大学の音楽文化史研究者、大田美佐子が史料を介して対話しつつ、占領期初期の日米音楽文化交流を描いた国際共著論文。


人間発達環境学研究科 准教授 大田美佐子


  • Cross-Cultural Encounters across Time
    • One. Music in Unexpected Places
    • Two. US Concert Music and Cultural Reorientation during the Occupation of Japan
    • Three. Listening to and Learning from Music of the Global United States
  • Performance and Social Justice
    • Four. Sounding Black, Acting White
    • Five. For the Daughters of Harlem
    • Six. The Law of Returns
  • The Politics of Historiography
    • Seven. White Noise
    • Eight. Exceptional Matters, Exceptional Times
    • Nine. Music, Travel, and Circuitous Reflections of Community
  • Reaching Outward as Teachers and Scholars
    • Ten. Pedagogies of Music, Politics, and Race in US Music Studies
    • Eleven. Finding Success inside and outside the Academy
    • Twelve. Collaborative Voices