This program was established in 1999 in order to enable international students to continue their studies using English and to acquire a doctoral degree. Proficiency in Japanese is not generally considered in the selection process, although a high proficiency in Japanese may be required for some applicants, depending on their research topic. This is a highly competitive program and only those having excellent academic credentials and outstanding potential will be accepted.

Focus and Goals

Students who have successfully completed the requirements will be granted one of the following doctoral degrees: Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Doctor of Philosophy in Laws, or Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science.


In the doctoral program, students are required to take Advanced Research (8 credits) and Advanced Research Presentation (2 credits). They must also earn a total of at least 4 credits from among the following (2 credits): Workshop I, Workshop II, Internship, Advanced Overseas Research, and International Organization Management. Students must also receive instruction regarding the writing of their thesis from their academic supervisor.

Study Requirements and Degrees Granted

Students will be assigned an academic supervisor with whom they will work to pursue their research. All students are required to take a candidacy examination before completing their doctoral thesis. Students who have obtained the status of doctoral candidate and completed their thesis must pass a final examination and have their thesis approved by the GSICS Faculty. The standard duration of study is three years. For students of exceptional capability, the duration may be shortened.

Key Information

  • Degree Programme
    Doctor of Philosophy in International Studies
    Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
    Doctor of Philosophy in Law
    Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science
  • Subject area
    Special Course on Development Policy
  • Duration
    3 years
  • Total Intake (AY 2015)


Contact Us

Academic Affairs Office/ Faculty Office
2-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501 Japan
Tel. +81(0)78-803-7267
E-mail: gsics-kyomu@office.kobe-u.
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