May 30, 2022
Updated on May 31, 2022
Updated on August 8, 2022

Up until now it has been necessary for those diagnosed with novel coronavirus to report information, such as a record of their activities pre- and post-symptom onset and their symptom progression, directly to the academic affairs section of their faculty/graduate school. From June 1, 2022 onwards, this reporting system will change as detailed below:

1. Fill out an online form with your contact information, symptoms and activity record.

2. Contact your faculty/graduate school by phone or email to tell them that you have filled in the online form. Also tell them the main infection-related information that you reported in the form (eg. your symptoms, when they started, if you have been tested and your test result).


As of August 8, 2022, the system has been changed so that you can make multiple reports of Novel coronavirus Infection/Contact with an infected person.

  •  How to fill out the online form
    Click on the link below and log in using your KNOSSOS ID.
  • Please choose either ‘Record of Novel Coronavirus Infection etc.’ or ‘Record of Cold-like Symptoms’ and fill out the required information.
    *As of August 8, 2022, the system has been changed so that you can make multiple reports of Novel coronavirus Infection/Contact with an infected person. On the page after the 'symtoms' page, you can select the report number. If you have made more than 2 reports, please click on 'edit' (修正する)and enter in the most up-to-date information.
  • Information to be filled out on the ‘Record of Novel Coronavirus Infection etc.’ form:
    1. Common information
    > Your faculty/graduate school, student number, full name, contact details
    2. For those who test positive for novel coronavirus:
    > your symptoms and activity record
    3.  For those who were in close contact with someone who tested positive for novel coronavirus:
    > The date of contact with the infected person, your relationship to them and their symptoms etc.

* Please log in again and update this information if circumstances change. For example, if your treatment period ends, you develop symptoms after being in contact with an infected person, or if you test positive etc.

*Please save a screenshot of the form completion screen.


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Student Support Division