27 April 2023

To all students

The Use of ChatGPT and Other Generative AI

In recent years, generative AI that creates natural sentences in response to questions has emerged, and an environment has been created where anyone can easily use it. However, the use of generative AI may cause various problems.

The following terms should be borne in mind when using AI in classes, etc. at Kobe University:
 ?Using the text created by generative AI in part or in its entirety, in a report, essay, or similar, may be regarded as 'plagiarism'.
 ?The use of the generated AI itself may be restricted or prohibited in some classes.

Furthermore, please note that the following problems are generally pointed out in relation to generated AI:
 ?The content of the text created by generative AI may contain errors or inconsistencies.
 ?The use of the text created by generative AI may infringe copyright.
 ?The input of sensitive or personal information into the generating AI may lead to the leakage or disclosure of such information.

Prof. OHMURA Naoto, Executive Vice President