As with 2022, classes at Kobe University in the 2023 academic year are scheduled to be held predominately face-to-face. However, some courses may be conducted completely online to take advantage of the benefits of remote learning, while others will be in a hybrid format combining face-to-face and online classes.

At face-to-face lectures and classes after April 2023, individuals will be able to decide whether or not they wish to wear a mask. However, please make sure that you continue to follow general infection prevention measures such as thoroughly sanitizing your hands and ensuring rooms are well-ventilated. If you have symptoms associated with infection (such as a fever) or have come into close contact with an infected person, please refrain from coming to the university in accordance with our infection prevention measures. If you need to report your absence, please register the reason for your absence through the website and then inform the faculty member in charge of the class.

On January 27 2023, it was decided by the government’s Novel Coronavirus Response Headquarters that from May 8 2023, the novel coronavirus will be downgraded from a Category II Infectious Disease to a Category V Infectious Disease. There is a possibility that Kobe University’s measures may also change accordingly from May 8, 2023 onwards. We will inform you about this at a later date.


Executive Vice President in Charge of Education and Internationalization