The Medical Center for Student Health in Rokkodai Campus offers emergency first aid treatment, medical examinations, and consultations regarding physical or mental health. It can be used by students and staff of Kobe University. Medical examinations and consultation services are also available at the three branch Medical Centers located in Fukae Campus, Kusunoki Campus, and Myodani Campus.

If you need emergency first aid or a health consultation, please visit the Medical Center directly or make an appointment by phone. (Note: to reduce waiting times, please call in advance if possible. The Medical Center can be especially busy during the mornings.)

Kobe University Medical Center for Student Health (Main Center)1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe-shi, 657-8501 (Rokkodai Campus Administration Offices 2F)Tel: 078-803-5245 Fax: 078-803-5254
Kobe University Medical Center for Student Health Fukae Branch5-1-1 Fukaeminami-machi, Higashinada-ku, Kobe-shi, 658-0022 (Fukae Campus)Tel: 078-431-6232 Fax: 078-431-6374
Kobe University Medical Center for Student Health Kusunoki Branch(Kobe University Hospital) 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, 650-0017Tel: 078-382-5006
Kobe University Medical Center for Student Health Myodani Branch7-10-2 Tomogaoka, Suma-ku, Kobe-shi, 654-0142 (Kobe University School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences)Tel: 078-796-4537

Note: Fukae Branch doctors are occasionally out of the office due to other engagements. Please call in advance.

Opening hours (for Kobe University Medical Center and Branch Centers)

Open weekdays 9:00-12:00 (reception until 11:30) and 13:00-17:00 (reception until 16:30).
Closed weekends and public holidays.

Emergency first aid is available anytime between 9:00 and 17:00. If you are unable to visit Rokkodai Campus during these hours, we can arrange an after-hours consultation.
For further information, please contact the reception desk (extension 5245).

Counseling services

The Medical Center for Student Health offers counseling for students and staff members at Kobe University. Please phone to book a consultation service. Telephone counseling and correspondence counseling is also available. Possible consultation topics include academic issues, mental and physical health, concerns about the future, social issues, financial matters and family matters.

All consultations are strictly confidential.

Advice and Counseling Services for International Students

The Global Center for Education provides advice and counseling specifically for international students. For more information, please see this page.

Kusunoki Branch Office

Kusunoki Branch Office provides student and staff with medical care and consultation for physical and psychological concerns. Please book in advance by telephone for a counseling appointment.

The Center also offers the following services for students studying in the School & Graduate School of Medicine:

  • Follow-up examinations for medical examinations (blood pressure, urinalysis, ECG)
  • Issuing medical examination results
  • Applications for measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox inoculations
  • Medical examination certificates for those who have not received medical examinations

Myodai Branch Office

Myodani Branch Office provides student and staff with medical care and consultation for physical and psychological concerns. Please book in advance by telephone for a counseling appointment. 
Physical Health Counseling service is available on weekdays.
Mental Health Counseling service is  available on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 9:00-12:00.

Fukae Branch Office

Fukae Campus maintains a well-equipped Health Administration Center staffed by a physician and a nurse to provide students and staff with medical care and knowledge on health and stress management. The Center's service includes first aid, referrals, physical check-ups, and medical consultations. Beds are available to students who feel sick for a couple of hours. A confidential counseling service can be arranged through this Center. Students can receive help from professional psychiatrists to deal with academic, social, and personal problems. 

THP (Total Health Promotion) Room

The THP Room is located in the Administration Offices building in Rokkodai Campus. This room can be used free of charge by Kobe University students and staff for strength training, general exercise, and special exercise programs. A variety of gym equipment is available, and a fitness instructor can provide you with tailored exercise menus.

  • THP Room opening hours: weekdays 9:00-16:30.
  • How to register for use: Ask the Medical Center for Student Health reception for an application form. In order to use the room you must confirm that you receive regular health check-ups, including electrocardiograms. After your application has been approved, you can attend an explanatory session about the apparatus (sessions held every Monday, advance registration necessary). Your THP Room user’s card will be issued after attending this session.
  • Special programs: held every Wednesday 18:00-18:45 (by reservation only). Programs include simple yoga stretches, aerobics, and walking exercises.However,THP Room will be closed,if Wednesday is holiday.

For more information and an application form, please apply to the Medical Center for Student Health reception.